When thinking of my trip to South Beach Miami last month, the saying, “Great Minds Think Alike !” came to mind. This was a very fitting quote, being that friends from different states all ended up vacationing at the same beach resort, for the same four days, within a 365- day year.
In reality, excluding scenarios such as the one above, great minds do not always think alike; unless it pertains to the Laws of Physics.
“Great minds think alike, small minds rarely differ.”
The first window has a greater view of the ocean, and the third has a better view of the bay. . . Wait, are you even able to see the bay from the first window’s view? If not, why would you agree with what the person whose view opposes yours by a one hundred eighty degree angle is seeing? It’s only natural to differ. And one view is likely to be greater than the other, right?
Your thoughts are also a view of what your mind sees.

Nice view ?
It’s a partial view from a balcony @ Fontainebleau (the beach resort referenced in this post); But I can’t take the credit for the pic, I didn’t take it!